MAS in Toxicology Programme Concept

The Master of Advanced Studies in Toxicology provides a comprehensive educational programme recognized by national and international authorities as a postgraduate academic qualification in toxicology. It is designed to fulfill the needs of recently graduated students, those who are already in employment and potential employers in industry, academia and regulatory bodies.

The assessment of the potential risks of chemicals and pharmaceuticals to which humans and the environment are exposed provides the necessary basis for protection measures. This increasingly complex process has created a demand for qualified scientists in industry, academia and regulatory bodies with the right knowledge, experience and professional qualification. The MAS in Toxicology was initiated in 2010 by the Swiss Centre for Applied Human Toxicology (SCAHT) as part of its mandate to promote education and continued professional development in this important discipline. The curriculum has been developed by the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences of the Faculty of Sciences of the Universities of Geneva and Lausanne (Ecole de Pharmacie Genève-Lausanne). The rnaster is part of an educational platform of collaboration with the Universities of Zürich and Basel, the Swiss Society of Toxicology, the Swiss Register of Toxicologists, the Centre of Competence in analytic chemistry and toxicology (CCCTA), the Centre for Ecotoxicology (eawag/EPFL), regulatory authorities and the pharmaceutical and chemical industry. The curriculum is designed to comply with the regulations for toxicological training set by the Swiss Register of Toxicologists (for details, see Swiss Register of Toxicologists) and and EUROTOX.

Successful completion of the course may be used towards fulfillment of the requirements for professional registration as a toxicologist.

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